Poem - Memories of 2020 - Grant Eagar


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Sheila the Vampire: Dancing with the Enemy


Memories of 2020

 I’m an optimist, but twenty-twenty?

Twas a year full of sorrow.

I remember plagues, and more plagues,

Masks and more masks.


I remember visiting Facebook made me ill.

Everyone hating everyone.

Can we ever just be civil?

Does everyone have to think like we do?


Why are our memories like pernicious

Fairies, that only recall the bitter?

Why is the happy memory fairy

So hard to find and difficult to capture?


Memories of refocus, that black lives do matter.

Memories of a cry for help and how people responded.

Memories that 155 million people cared enough to vote. 

Seeds of a better world watered by tears of 2020


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